The best
Tomato from Almeria

With a sale of fruit and vegetables unrivalled in the province of Almeria, which is a record breaker in its sale of each day, Agrupalmería is strong with tomatoleading the marketing in all its varieties, especially in the RAF tomatothe jewel in the crown.

Our star

The authentic
Raf tomato

Healthy and delicious. "Single", the Tomato Raf Agrupalmería it is a true delicacy for the most demanding palates, with quality and flavor, balanced sweetness-acidity, content of aromatic, consistency and feel in the mouth. Its morphology is special and unforgettable.

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Stands out for its taste, a taste like no other. Comes from a culture conditions that only occur in Almeria. In the interior of the fruit is its secret: the pulp, with a coloration rosacea, texture, compact, very firm and juicy.
It is consistent and, in general, has a delicious sweet taste. The RAF tomato ripens from the inside to the outside. When you notice that it begins to take on a reddish hue, the tomato will have reached its point of tasting correct. It is important to ripen the tomatoes and subsequently keep it cold.



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With the seal of 

logo agrupalmeria verde@4x
Our star

The authentic Raf tomato

Healthy and delicious. "Single", the Tomato Raf Agrupalmería it is a true delicacy for the most demanding palates, with quality and flavor, balanced sweetness-acidity, content of aromatic, consistency and feel in the mouth. Its morphology is special and unforgettable.

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Stands out for its taste, a taste like no other. Comes from a culture conditions that only occur in Almeria. In the interior of the fruit is its secret: the pulp, with a coloration rosacea, texture, compact, very firm and juicy.
It is consistent and, in general, has a delicious sweet taste. The RAF tomato ripens from the inside to the outside. When you notice that it begins to take on a reddish hue, the tomato will have reached its point of tasting correct. It is important to ripen the tomatoes and subsequently keep it cold.



2 to 7 (10)

With the seal of 

logo agrupalmeria verde@4x

Varieties tomato

our recipes

Categoriesconcentrado de tomate Recipes

¿Qué es el concentrado de tomate y cómo se usa en la cocina?

El concentrado de tomate es una pasta o salsa de tomate que nace en Italia y actualmente es conocido en …
mermelada de tomate
CategoriesBlog Tips Recipes

Si tienes tomates que están empezando a madurar y no va a dar tiempo a consumirlos, ¡haz esto!

¡Esta Navidad sorprende a tu familia con esta receta única con el tomate como protagonista!   La mermelada de tomate …
corta lamina trocea un tomate como un experto
CategoriesBenefits Blog Tips Recipes

¡Corta, lamina, pica y trocea el tomate como un experto en segundos!

Descubre los secretos para manipular el tomate con destreza y facilidad, ¡aquí te desvelamos la técnica definitiva para cortar un …
ensalada con tomate cherry de agrupalmeria
CategoriesBlog Tips Raf Recipes

The definitive guide to choosing the best tomatoes in your salads

From the sweet and small cherry until the fleshy and ‘gourmet’ Raf, is the type of tomato perfect for giving ...
receta con tomate raf
CategoriesBlog Recipes

Thus prepared Ismael Orts a simple recipe and healthy with tomato raf Agrupalmería

Who does not know already the tomato Raf? 😎 Ismael Orts brings us a recipe of your own easy and healthy with tomatoes ...
CategoriesBlog Recipes

Tomato jam emarginate blue

Ishmael returns to be amazed with this awesome recipe that takes advantage of the sweetness of the tomato emarginate blue to create this jam ...

Other Products

Although the Tomato is our star product, not only are we surrounded by tomatoes.

Our customers also rely on the zucchini, the eggplant, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, or red and green pepper of Agrupalmería

Growth insurance

Traceability and food safety

Food security is emphasized in the process of growth of the tomato as well as all the crops Agrupalmería.

This security is guaranteed thanks to the supervision of our quality department and technical support throughout the whole process of cultivation, that began in the in-depth control in the fieldpassing by plantingevolution of the product and the process of packaging in farm until for sale in our facility and later placing on the market.



Food security is emphasized in the process of growth of the tomato, as well as all the crops Agrupalmería.

This security is guaranteed thanks to the supervision of our quality department throughout the entire process of cultivation, that began in the in-depth control in the fieldpassing by planting and evolution of the product until the process of packaging.


News & Blog

What our

CategoriesBlog Raf

Las mejores variedades de tomate de España

En nuestro país se han cultivado más de 10,000 variedades de tomate, lo que representa alrededor del diez por ciento …
tomate superheroe nutricional
CategoriesBenefits Blog

El tomate, el héroe que te puede salvar de las enfermedades cardíacas

Descubre cómo este alimento común se eleva como un superhéroe natural, regulando tu presión arterial y desafiando a los fármacos …

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    Agrupacañada of Almería S. L

    Road Nijar La Cañada km 5,200 04120 Almería

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