melon galia agrupalmeria

Melon Galia

the melon galia it is a small melon and spherical. Its skin is yellow with touches of green and numerous stretch marks that give it a texture that is rough. Its flesh is bright green, very sweet, tender meat that melts in your mouth. A treat for the lovers of the melon.

Its skin is thin and your meat gets a tender texture so cutting it is an easy task. Not usually exceed the kg of weight.

When it is said that the melon is moisturizing for your juiciness is no lie, and so support the data: the 85% of your flesh is water, very similar to the proportion of the human body. In addition, it contains a very low level of fat and calories.  

Health benefits:

  • Within its main benefits are its high content of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is converted To vitamin a in the body and is essential for our body.
  • High amount of vitamin C, B9 and folic acid, beneficial for pregnant women.
  • The content in pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 that this fruit provides, helps with the transformation of nutrients into energy, reduce triglycerides and high cholesterol levels, improving and protecting cardiovascular health.


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