calabacin agricultura agrupalmeria


Belongs to the group of cucurbits. The consumption of the squash, dates back to Ancient Egyptian and their consumption and production was increased in the coastline of the mediterranean thanks to the promotion of agriculture by the arab culture.

Production throughout the year thanks to advances in the agri-food sector as it needs warm temperatures to grow.

the zucchini as we commonly know it is elongated, and cylindrical with a size that can vary from between 20 to 40 centimeters.

Weight between 200 and 300 grams, depending on the caliber. The skin is dark green, and its flesh firm but tender which acquires a cream color pale, almost white. It contains seeds.

Health benefits:

  • It is a vegetable low in calories –100 grams portion equals to 20 kcal-, source of fiber, vitamins.
  • It is a food that provides hydration and is satiating.
  • Noted for its content vitamin C, folate and vitamin A, as well as potassium, phosphorus and, to a lesser extent, calcium.
  • It is composed by a 94,6 g of water, which is lost in different proportions to cook it, thus concentrating all of its nutrients.
  • It is suitable for all dietsperfect for those looking to maintain or lose some weight.
  • Good vision for its high content of carotenes such as lutein and zeaxanthin.

How to get zucchini from Agrupalmería


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