Almería inventa ‘el tomate de invierno’, un producto exclusivo para los mejores restaurantes y la cocina gourmet

El tomate es un alimento que tradicionalmente se vincula a los meses de más calor del año y a comidas frías y sencillas, pero lo que la gente no sabe es que el mejor tomate y de mayor calidad es el que se consume en invierno, perfecto para las recetas más elaboradas y la cocina de ‘alto standing’


El consumo de tomate en Almería está estrechamente ligado a platos típicos como el gazpacho, las ensaladas frescas o los sabrosos sofritos. Generalmente, se asocia este fruto a los meses cálidos, vinculándolo como un producto refrescante. Pero esto no es cosa del verano solamente. En la provincia de Almería, existen algunos agricultores que desafían la estacionalidad y se aventuran a cultivar tomates durante el invierno.

Entre otras variedades, las más destacadas en los invernaderos almerienses durante el invierno son el tomate rosa, el asurcado, el cherry o el famoso raf (enlaces a la tienda online de el rincón del raf), suministrando estos tomates de excepción a establecimientos de alta gastronomía, además de todo tipo de clientes que buscan un tomate exclusivo y de alta calidad.

A pesar de su elevado coste de producción y de la dificultad de cultivar en invernaderos durante el invierno, el trabajo compensa, gracias a que consiguen un producto verdaderamente exclusivo por el que preguntan todos, incluidos los restaurantes de Estrella Michelín.

Agrupalmería and El Rincón del Raf aportan su granito de arena a través de su plataforma de venta directa online, donde ahora tienen disponible algunas de las variedades de tomate gourmet más apropiadas para la alta cocina de eventos, catering y restaurantes que destacan en estas fechas. (otro enlace)



Almería esconde la octava maravilla: Es la única estructura visible desde el Espacio

Es muy difícil ver prácticamente cualquier cosa desde el espacio. Tan solo las Pirámides de Giza se pueden vislumbrar por la falta de vegetación que hay a su alrededor. Sin embargo, la única estructura humana realmente visible sin muchas complicaciones es el mar de plástico que hay en Almería.


Desde hace tiempo se ha creído que algunas estructuras humanas son visibles desde la órbita terrestre, pero, contrario a la creencia popular, las Pirámides como explicábamos antes o la Gran Muralla China no es una de ellas. De hecho, una de las pocas estructuras humanas observables desde el espacio se encuentra en España.

Mientras los astronautas experimentan la asombrosa vista del planeta desde la Estación Espacial Internacional, se sorprenden con las maravillas naturales y los paisajes terrestres. Sin embargo, las Pirámides de Giza, a pesar de ser icónicas, son difíciles de ver debido al entorno con escasa vegetación. A pesar de esta complejidad, hay una estructura mucho más visible desde la órbita.

Los invernaderos se distinguen claramente en imágenes satelitales

¿Cuál es esa estructura visible? Los vastos invernaderos que cubren 28.500 hectáreas en la provincia de Almería. Estos invernaderos, que albergan una variedad de cultivos desde calabacines hasta tomates o pimientos, por ejemplo, reflejan la luz solar de tal manera que se pueden avistar desde cientos de kilómetros en el espacio. Según el astronauta español Pedro Duque, estos invernaderos se distinguen claramente en imágenes satelitales, apareciendo como una gran marca blanca en el extremo oriental de España.

En resumen, mientras que la Gran Muralla China y las Pirámides de Giza no son visibles o requieren un esfuerzo significativo para verlas desde el espacio, los invernaderos de Almería son la única estructura visible desde el Espacio.


¡Increíble! Almería exporta más tomate que el resto de provincias españolas juntas

La provincia batió el récord histórico en el valor de esas exportaciones la campaña pasada


En la recién concluida campaña, España exportó un impresionante total de 598,28 millones de kilos de tomates, generando ingresos por valor de 1.143,15 millones de euros, con un precio promedio de 1,91 € por kilo, según datos proporcionados por Hortoinfo. Almería encabezó la lista como la provincia líder, contribuyendo con el 60,69% del volumen total de exportaciones de España, enviando 363,12 millones de kilos por un valor de 674,04 millones de euros, a un precio medio de 1,86 € por kilo. A pesar de estos logros, la provincia disminuyó sus exportaciones de tomates en un 24% en las últimas cinco campañas.

Murcia, por su parte, exportó 60,72 millones de kilos de tomates durante la campaña, equivalente al 10,15% del total español, generando 111,96 millones de euros con un precio promedio de 1,84 € por kilo. Sin embargo, ha experimentado una disminución del 32% en sus exportaciones de tomates desde la campaña 2018/2019.

Granada se ubicó en la tercera posición, con un volumen de 55,59 millones de kilos exportados, representando el 9,29% del total español. Estas exportaciones tuvieron un valor de 138,49 millones de euros y un precio medio de 2,49 € por kilo. Granada ha logrado aumentar sus exportaciones de tomates en un 3% en las últimas cinco campañas.

¿A dónde fue a parar el tomate almeriense?

Alemania lideró la lista de países receptores de las exportaciones de tomates de Almería en la campaña 2022/23, con la adquisición de 118,89 millones de kilos, valorados en 235,57 millones de euros, a un precio promedio de 1,98 € por kilo. Francia ocupó el segundo lugar con 45,26 millones de kilos de tomates a un precio medio de 1,52 € por kilo, mientras que Países Bajos y Reino Unido se situaron en tercer y cuarto lugar, respectivamente, en términos de volumen y valor de las exportaciones de tomates desde Almería. Portugal completó la lista como el quinto país receptor, con 16,8 millones de kilos de tomate y un precio promedio de 1,33 € por kilo.


Source: Fresh Plaza

Otras noticias sobre exportación



Almeria win the game in their constant for agriculture

Talent, knowledge, and values, is what promotes the field of almería from the professionals and farmers until the institutions.


Almería not only generates employment and wealth through agriculture, but also to promote research and the transfer of knowledge. Almeria is a world reference in the production of vegetables and fruits of high quality, which means a big responsibility for the institutions, and it is for this reason that the municipal Council, the relevant agencies and industry associations, all work to a in pos protect and support the farmers and their families, recognizing its importance as an engine of the present and future for all.

Fighting for a fair price

However, to maintain this success, it is essential that the prices of the products almeria are fair. Many farmers face production costs that exceed the selling price, which jeopardizes his future and his tireless dedication. It is fundamental to sell above costs to ensure the sustainability of this sector.

The constant challenge of the water.

In addition, it is essential to address the constant challenge of water in the province, especially after a year of drought. To do this it is necessary to manage this resource with responsibility, with a focus on environmental sustainability. To ensure the safety and support to farming families, it is crucial that all the authorities are committed to implement the hydraulic infrastructures necessary.

In this regard, the measures adopted to improve the availability of water driven by the regional government of Andalusia have proved to be vital, but it's still not enough. Other institutions, like the Government of Spain, should do the same and provide resources to address the historic deficit of infrastructure in the region of almeria. The City of Almería will also help, by providing resources and support through initiatives such as the improvement of rural roads and collaboration in projects such as the Polo Agrifood Innovation, which will lead the agriculture of the future in Almeria.

To Almeria, the field is its main source of wealth and continue to work tirelessly to support and promote their growth and sustainability is not an option, it should be an obligation.



The UAL is leading the way to climate-smart agriculture

A pioneering approach in sustainable agriculture and cutting-edge technology to provide solutions to climate-smart, and achieve a Europe carbon-neutral, it is one of the main objectives of the project Demonstration of the farm climate, the UAL


A group of experts of the UAL and Coexphal, met on the 8th of September in Almeria for the opening of the ‘Living Lab’ Agroecology, part of a european project to address the weather challenges in agriculture. This 'Living Lab' focuses in the overexploitation and scarcity of water resources local and the lack of solutions. The group is developing a plan of action and discussing climate initiatives intelligent research and funding to expand innovative technologies and apply them in the entire value chain.

How is the project ‘Climate Farm Demo’

This project is part of the Climate Farm Demo, funded with 21 million euros by the European Union, which aims to facilitate the adoption of practices of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSF) to adapt agriculture to climate change and to achieve a farming carbon neutral. . CSF helps the farmers to cope with climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve food security.

The union between farmers and experts in climate.

Climate Farm Demo promotes the practices of CSF in 28 european countries to connect to 1,500 farmers and advisors agricultural climate to implement plans for adaptation and mitigation. In addition, there are campaigns of demonstration year to share knowledge and ideas. Established ten living laboratories all over Europe, including one in Almeria, to demonstrate and promote innovative practices in climate-smart agriculture.




Almeria and the “skyscraper” of the field

The innovative greenhouse projects of high-tech conducted in the field of almeria are breaking records with dimensions never before seen in this sector.


In the lands bathed by the sun of Almeria, a phenomenon agricultural amazing has come to life. The ingenuity and technology have teamed up to create greenhouses that defy the heights, bringing agriculture to the new horizons of productivity and sustainability. These new projects have transformed the landscape and the way they grow.

The need to maximize the agricultural production while improving the quality of products has led to some visionaries from Almería to think big and tall, getting to create new structures out of all order, you are really getting your goal.

Technology at the Service of the Field

from irrigation systems smart To drivers of climate of the last generation, these greenhouses are empowered by innovation, allowing for precise handling and efficient. The size does not scare you, because they are easier to handle even the greenhouses traditional.

Sustainability in Growth

Beyond productivity, these greenhouses have opened the way towards a model of agriculture that is more sustainable and respectful with the environment. Its design and the materials used reduce the consumption of water and energy, while minimizing the environmental impact, promoting agriculture to be more aware.

Transforming the Future of Agricultural

The impact of these greenhouses goes beyond the borders of Almeria. This approach avant-garde is influencing from already in the agriculture global, inspiring other countries and territories to think in new dimensions and perspectives to feed the world sustainably.



Almería: An economic boost for the whole of Andalusia

The record-high exports, with almost 3,000 million euros sold in the foreign, place to Almería as the real economic engine of Andalusia, being the province that creates a larger surplus in the Trade Balance Andalusian with a difference


Almería is presented as the biggest boost to the trade balance, andalusian, despite the absence of the BIRD in the province. Its sustained growth has been supported by the diversification and competitiveness in various economic sectors, which has consolidated its position as a leader in the autonomous community.

According to data of the Observatory for the Internationalization of the Economy of Andalusia Andalusia TRADE Almería has registered between January and may, a record high exports with 2.976 million sold in the foreign (2.5% more), and also the province with the largest surplus in the Trade Balance of Andalusia, with 821 million balance a favor. All thanks mainly the export of vegetableswith the help of plaster and stone.

The province has established a network of business relationships at the international level, allowing you to export your products, and maintain a positive balance in the trade balance. The commitment to innovation and the adoption of advanced technologies has been another key factor in economic development, allowing them to increase their competitiveness and efficiency in the outside.

This is not here, the food industry andalusian also the leader in exports of food and beverages of Spain, with 22.7% of the total and an invoice of 6.776 billion in January-may of 2023, despite the severe drought, which significantly affects the production and, somewhat less, export

Behind this economic success is a province enterprising and vibrant that has generated jobs and opportunities without ceasing in the region. With a focus on collaboration and the entrepreneurial spirit, Almería has managed to shine with its own light and lead the direction of the trade balance of andalusia. A bright future we envision for this energetic economic locomotive.




The agro almeria does not rest, 24/7 working the land

Find out how the agricultural sector of Almeria is positioned as a national benchmark on success and productivity


The strength and vitality of the agricultural sector in the region of Almeria exceeded boundaries of performance and action, getting produce 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, ensuring that in Europe there is always the products of companies almeria. With a focus on the province, highlighting the constant activity and productivity that characterizes this territory, putting their emphasis on the efficiency of your irrigation. Almería is positioned as a leader in intensive agriculture, with greenhouses that give life to a wide variety of crops.

Production throughout the year

The region of almeria, is distinguished by its privileged climate that allows the agricultural production throughout the year. Local farmers take advantage of this advantage to maintain operability, uninterrupted, working tirelessly to meet the national and international demand for fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products of high quality.

Innovation and technology are fundamental pillars in the agro almeria. Farmers have adopted advanced techniques of cultivation and efficient irrigation systems to maximize yields and minimize environmental impact. In addition, the constant search for improvements and the implementation of sustainable practices positioned to Almería as a model to follow in the agricultural field.

The agro almeria as an economic engine of the region

The labor of the farmers almeria is tireless, devoted its effort and expertise to ensure a constant production and quality. The agro almeria is an economic engine that is vital to the region, generating employment and contributing to local development. Their commitment to excellence and its ability of adaptation have become to Almeria in a indisputable reference point in the agricultural world.


* * * Sources:

Almeria gives the key to fight against the drought

Innovation and technology work together in Almeria for the challenge of drought and ensure a promising future for agriculture


Almeria, the jewel farm in the south of Spain, located in front of a ruthless enemy: the drought. But instead of giving up, this fertile land and brave has decided to face up to adversity with great determination. In the middle of a barren landscape, there emerges an oasis of hope and innovative solutions that challenged the limitations imposed by the lack of water.

The power of the sea almeria

Desalination, this technological marvel capable of converting salt water into vital liquid, it stands as a beacon of hope in the midst of the seed. Using advanced systems and processes of filtration, Almería has found a way to harness the power of the sea to supply their thirsty crops, and keep alive their agricultural legacy.

Feedback to close the loop

But the innovation does not stop there. Regeneration, a revolutionary technique that recovers and reuses the waste water, has proven to be an invaluable ally in the fight against the drought. By selectively systems of treatment and purification, Almería has managed to close the water cycle, ensuring its efficient and sustainable use of every corner of their land.

This challenge water has given rise to a real revolution in agriculture. Farmers almeria, far from surrendering, have become real engineers of the water. Their commitment to excellence and research has borne fruit surprising, catapulting this region to the forefront of global sustainable agriculture.

Almeria, a living laboratory

The field of almeria, is today a living laboratory, where the science and ingenuity to work together to find solutions that allow them to grow in extreme conditions. From efficient irrigation systems to cultivation techniques smart, each innovation has a single aim: to keep alive the pulse agricultural Almeria.

So, in the midst of the drought, Almería stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. With courage and boldness, this earth refuses to accept a fate of sterility. In its place is found in the desalination and regeneration tools to cope with drought that lives in our region and ensure a prosperous future for their people and their land.



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Thus prepared Ismael Orts a simple recipe and healthy with tomato raf Agrupalmería

¿Quién no conoce ya el tomate Raf? 😎 Ismael Orts nos trae su propia receta sencilla y saludable con tomate raf de Agrupalmería


@ismael_nutrition & @agrupalmeria_ nos hablan del tomate RAF, un tomate gourmet que parece que nació para la cocina de calidad y para crear platos exquisitos. 🍅 🤤 Ismael nos trae un sencillo plato elaborado con auténtico tomate Raf de Agrupalmería. 🔝 Ya sabéis que en la sencillez está la delicadeza y el buen sabor…¿Cómo prepararías tú un tomate Raf?



🧀 Queso parmesano

🥬 Rúcula

🫒 Alcaparras

🍅 Auténtico tomate raf

🌿 Aceite de oliva Virgen Extra




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Conseguir auténtico Raf de Agrupalmería


Healthy and delicious"Single", the Tomato Raf Agrupalmería es un auténtico manjar para los paladares más exigentes, con calidad y sabor, equilibrio de dulzor-acidez, contenido en aromáticos, consistencia y tacto en boca.


  • Contains vitamin C.
  • Low content of carbohydrates and fat
  • Reduces the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Protects and cares for the skin due to its large number of antioxidants.
  • Tiene propiedades antibacterianas, antimicóticas y antiinflamatorias al contener ‘tomatina’.

Saber más sobre el tomate raf


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