Almeria win the game in their constant for agriculture

Talent, knowledge, and values, is what promotes the field of almería from the professionals and farmers until the institutions.


Almería not only generates employment and wealth through agriculture, but also to promote research and the transfer of knowledge. Almeria is a world reference in the production of vegetables and fruits of high quality, which means a big responsibility for the institutions, and it is for this reason that the municipal Council, the relevant agencies and industry associations, all work to a in pos protect and support the farmers and their families, recognizing its importance as an engine of the present and future for all.

Fighting for a fair price

However, to maintain this success, it is essential that the prices of the products almeria are fair. Many farmers face production costs that exceed the selling price, which jeopardizes his future and his tireless dedication. It is fundamental to sell above costs to ensure the sustainability of this sector.

The constant challenge of the water.

In addition, it is essential to address the constant challenge of water in the province, especially after a year of drought. To do this it is necessary to manage this resource with responsibility, with a focus on environmental sustainability. To ensure the safety and support to farming families, it is crucial that all the authorities are committed to implement the hydraulic infrastructures necessary.

In this regard, the measures adopted to improve the availability of water driven by the regional government of Andalusia have proved to be vital, but it's still not enough. Other institutions, like the Government of Spain, should do the same and provide resources to address the historic deficit of infrastructure in the region of almeria. The City of Almería will also help, by providing resources and support through initiatives such as the improvement of rural roads and collaboration in projects such as the Polo Agrifood Innovation, which will lead the agriculture of the future in Almeria.

To Almeria, the field is its main source of wealth and continue to work tirelessly to support and promote their growth and sustainability is not an option, it should be an obligation.



Almería: Un ejemplo de agricultura sostenible y eficiente en el uso del agua

La innovadora gestión del agua en la agricultura almeriense, que consume la mitad de agua que el resto de agricultura en España, es ya considerada una inspiración para la eficiencia hídrica en todo el mundo


Almería aprovecha el Día Mundial del Agua para posicionarse como un ejemplo de eficiencia en la gestión del agua en la agricultura. Con solo un 1,69% de consumo (en m3) per cápita, la provincia se destaca por debajo de grandes zonas agrícolas como Valencia (5,39%) o Murcia (3,79%).

Almería tiene uno de los menores consumos per cápita de agua en España, con un 1,69%

La huella hídrica de Almería es de solo 44’14 metros cúbicos per cápita, mientras que la media española es de 844,69 metros cúbicos. En la agricultura, Almería consume la mitad de agua que la media del resto de España, con una huella hídrica hasta 20 veces menor (453 metros cúbicos per cápita frente a 937,34 a nivel nacional).

Para promover la eficiencia de riego, se han realizado múltiples proyectos y estudios financiados con fondos comunitarios en la zona de cultivos de invernadero, con el objetivo de transferir al sector hortícola información sobre las mejores prácticas y tecnologías asociadas al uso responsable del agua y adecuarlas a las exigencias ambientales. La gestión responsable del agua en Almería es un ejemplo para todo el mundo en el camino hacia la sostenibilidad.

Agrupalmería hace gala del modelo de agricultura sostenible de Almería, dando salida a toda la fruta y hortaliza que se cultiva en el campo almeriense mediante su subasta. No hay otra cosa que nos produzca mayor satisfacción que ver nuestras naves llenas de kilos y kilos del tomate más sostenible de España.

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    Agrupacañada of Almería S. L

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